Inspired by the daring exploits of a legendary outlaw in France in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Freedom follows the electrifying story of Bruno Sulak (Lukas Bravo), a kind and daring criminal who stole hearts as well as riches. Known for his charm and sophistication, Sulak pulled off daring robberies without firing a single shot. But as his notoriety grew, so did the relentless pursuit of Georges Moreas (Yvan Attal), a tough police commissioner with a knack for outsmarting criminals. As Moreas ends up in prison, Sulak’s escape from prison becomes legendary, fueled by a desire for freedom and a burning desire for his beloved Annie (Léa Luce Busato). In the chaos of their criminal fun, Sulak and Annie become symbols of defiance in the most exhilarating game of cat and mouse that has swept the nation.